13 TQI

TimeStamp:2020/07/07 10:51:37.000, Protocol:smb, Destination:

6) não deixei fazer um caso de mim…
7) [ILEGÍVEL] – [ILEGÍVEL] de [ILEGÍVEL] não diz you were [neglect] – [ILEGÍVEL] – [never] you were [neglect]
8) He is my slave
9) One week – [dam]’s makes the reservation
Then: every day, hours before – only [ILEGÍVEL] has to have reservations, so not to have to displace 2 other people. From that she changed, even to me, that was there – as a way of making know what she thinks and wants — that the only day we could go was Monday, but we would have to displace people — so better Tuesday I said. no, he said – he didn’t answer, didn’t like. And the thing became