An apprenticeship
Antonio Candido saw immediately the value of Near to the Wild Heart (1943), Clarice Lispector’s debut novel: “within our literature, it is a performance of the best quality”. Since then, the critical fortune of Clarice’s oeuvre doesn’t stop growing. To keep the list of works we make available updated, we invite scholars to send us titles not yet included here. The curators of the website are not responsible for any of the critical and theoretical or narrative and biographical approaches presented in the works listed here.
Epistemología subversiva: el discurso místico de Teresa de Jesús y Clarice Lispector.
De complexe eenvoud van Clarice Lispector.
Clarice Lispector: esboço de uma bibliografia.
Clarice Lispector: esboço de uma bibliografia.
Uma mulher chamada Clarice Lispector.
Clarices, uma homenagem.
Clarices, uma homenagem.
Clarice Lispector ou a estética da inevitável ruptura.
El gesto de Antígona o la escritura como responsabilidad: Clarice Lispector, Diamela Eltit y Carmen Boullosa.
El gesto de Antígona o la escritura como responsabilidad: Clarice Lispector, Diamela Eltit y Carmen Boullosa.
Notes on the role of women in some novels by Machado de Assis and in the work of Clarice Lispector: from subordination to autonomy.