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  • 09/12/2023

The Rio de Janeiro of Clarice Lispector

by Equipe IMS

Clarice Lispector spent her childhood in Recife, but at the age of 15 she moved with her father and two sisters to Rio de Janeiro. It was in the then capital of Brazil that the writer lived her youth and early adult life: she completed high school, graduated from law school, had her first professional experiences in the press, got married, and in 1943, released her first book Near to the Wild Heart.

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  • 19/10/2023

Interview with Claire Williams

by Equipe IMS
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  • Clarice’s hour
  • 01/12/2021

Fragments of Stars

by Bruno Cosentino

The writer Ana Maria Machado had an unusual and emotional episode with Clarice Lispector. This happened in 1975. After having read an article by Ana Maria, published that very day in the Jornal do Brasil, about the birthday of the writer Roland Barthes, Clarice, who did not know her personally, insistently asked her for help to organize what in two years would be the book The Hour of the Star.