
Bruno Cosentino

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  • 13/02/2025

“In the Name of My Father”

by Bruno Cosentino

Clarice’s connection with politics does not take place on the surface of public life, or in the texts that directly address the issue. This is due to the writer’s understanding of the rift between art and politics, which is addressed in two related texts, “Literature and Justice” and “What I Would Like to Have Been,” in which she observes with disconcerting lucidity the uselessness of her literature as a political instrument.

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  • Clarice’s hour
  • 01/12/2021

Fragments of Stars

by Bruno Cosentino

The writer Ana Maria Machado had an unusual and emotional episode with Clarice Lispector. This happened in 1975. After having read an article by Ana Maria, published that very day in the Jornal do Brasil, about the birthday of the writer Roland Barthes, Clarice, who did not know her personally, insistently asked her for help to organize what in two years would be the book The Hour of the Star. 

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  • 09/12/2019

Clarice in a new reedition

by Bruno Cosentino

In 2020, Clarice Lispector would turn 100 years old. A series of events has been scheduled to celebrate the occasion.

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  • 04/12/2019

Conversion through hatred

by Bruno Cosentino

Caetano Veloso says that when he showed the acoustic version of his song “Odeio” (I hate), which would be included on the Cê album, to his friend and composer Jorge Mautner, the latter cried and told him that it was the most beautiful love song that he had ever heard.

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  • 24/09/2019

The thirst for the other

by Bruno Cosentino

Every year, in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, Carnival is followed by Lent, a period in which the faithful withdraw from mundane life to dedicate themselves to sacrifices, charity, and prayer.

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  • Essays
  • 23/07/2019

“Love Smells Like Death”

by Bruno Cosentino

Clarice Lispector wrote about sex only once. It was in the book A via crúcis do corpo (The Via Crucis of the Body).

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  • News
  • 13/05/2019

“Women Are Wild”

by Bruno Cosentino

For the journalist Laura Freitas, Clarice’s female characters hide the germ of nonconformity – “the women are wild,” she affirms.

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  • 11/03/2019

Clarice in Paris

by Bruno Cosentino

The traditional Parisian bookstore Shakespeare and Company placed on special display the English version of the book The Complete Stories, by Clarice Lispector.

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  • 05/02/2019

In love with love

by Bruno Cosentino

In the interviews done by Clarice there is a sort of unsuitableness for the job with respect to journalistic technique. With Vinicius de Moraes, her first approach sounds like a provocation: “Vinicius, have you really ever loved anyone in life?”

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  • News
  • 11/10/2018

Clarice is the topic of a book at Oxford

by Bruno Cosentino

Academic studies on Clarice Lispector continue to be developed at foreign universities. In 2017, a wide-ranging seminar about the author was held at the University of Oxford.