

  • Postagem
  • 23/01/2023

Clarice’s Childhood

by Equipe IMS

In this video lesson, Mell Brites, author of the book As Crianças de Clarice: Narrativas da Infância e Outras Revelações (The Children of Clarice: Narratives of Childhood and Other Revelations), addresses the theme of childhood in Clarice Lispector’s literature, both in her children's books and in those aimed at an adult audience.

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  • Children's literature
  • 13/07/2023

Child and Origin

by Mell Brites

More or less fantastic in their plots, these children’s stories reveal narrators who, stripped almost completely of their fictional character, are very similar to the author: they are mothers, writers, they go by the initials “C.L.,” or even say their name is Clarice. Thus, if there is a horizontal posture in these narrators in which respect for the particularities of childhood is presupposed, this same movement also shows the desire to become a little more like a child.


  • Children's literature
  • 1978

An apprenticeship

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COUTINHO, Fernanda; MORAES, Vera (org.). Clarices, uma homenagem.

  • Books
  • Bibliographical references
  • 25/11/2020

Clarices, uma homenagem.

by COUTINHO, Fernanda; MORAES, Vera (org.).
  • Books
  • Bibliographical references
  • 25/11/2020

Perto do coração criança: imagens da infância em Clarice Lispector.

by DINIS, Nilson.
  • Books
  • Bibliographical references
  • 25/11/2020

Clarice Lispector: fotobiografia.

by GOTLIB, Nádia Battella.
  • Books
  • Bibliographical references
  • 25/11/2020

Clarice: uma vida que se conta.

by GOTLIB, Nádia Battella.

RODRIGUES, André Luis. Brincando pelas ruas da cidade: o lugar do interdito e da transgressão em três contos autobiográficos de Clarice Lispector.

WASSERMAN, Renata. Trabalho de mulher: dois contos infantis de Clarice Lispector.