Ulisses Lispector: A Portrait

IMS, Equipe. Ulisses Lispector: A Portrait. IMS Clarice Lispector, 2023. Disponível em: https://site.claricelispector.ims.com.br/en/2023/04/26/ulisses-lispector-a-portrait/. Acesso em: 17 February 2025.

The film portrays the famous Ulisses, Clarice Lispector’s dog and a prominent character in her life and fiction.

He is present in the posthumous novel A Breath of Life, he is the narrator of the children’s book Quase de verdade (Almost True), he was mentioned in countless chronicles, and today he is immortalized, alongside his owner, in a bronze statue at Leme Beach, in Rio de Janeiro.

Ulisses was also photographed smoking cigarette butts during Clarice’s interview with the weekly O Pasquim, whose behind-the-scenes is told in detail by the editor Sérgio Augusto, who at the time participated in the meeting, which took place at the writer’s apartment.

About the main character, other themes are also addressed, such as Clarice’s intimate relationship with the irrational nature of animals and autofictional writing, as well as an analysis by the writer Evando Nascimento of the short story “The Crime of the Mathematics Teacher.”
