O lugar de Clarice Lispector na história da literatura ocidental: uma avaliação comparativa.
A Paixão depois de G.H.
Clarice Lispector e Vergílio Ferreira: a existência problematizada.
Clarice Lispector’s thinking literature
In this video class, working from the category of “thinking literature”, professor Evando Nascimento explains how thinking and writing are indissociable acts in the work of Clarice Lispector.
Based on the category of “thinking literature”, the professor, writer and essayist Evando Nascimento gives a class on the work of Clarice Lispector, focusing on how she relates the narrated elements and the reflections proposed in her texts.
In this talk from 2017, recorded exclusively for IMS Rio de Janeiro’s Clarice Lispector website, Nascimento turns his attention to beings separated from the “adult world”: children, animals and objects apparently without importance that, even so, are able to awaken the philosophy in Clarice’s work, joining the act of thinking to the narrative fact.
Zoo Series. Photo by João Castilho, 2017.